Workplace Training to Elevate Your Business and Employees

Workplace training up-skills employees to prevent harassment, manage data security and privacy, and create a more inclusive workplace - all while keeping your business compliant.

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1,200+ Companies Choose EVERFI for Online Training

Key Topics in the HR & People Package

Preventing Harassment & Discrimination

Harassment and discrimination have detrimental effects on organization’s productivity, turnover, and even their ability to attract top talent.

Maintaining Data Security & Privacy

Human error is the leading cause of data security breaches and attacks. Employees who are confident in security protocols are less likely to be the cause.

Building Healthy Workplace Cultures

Organizational culture changes with each new hire. Healthy organizations establish expectations through training and set the tone for their culture.

Explore Popular Courses in the HR & People Package

Preventing Harassment & Discrimination for Supervisors

Stay compliant with state and local mandates, including CA, IL, CT, NY, and NYC, and provide supervisors with the skills to prevent harassment.

Preventing Harassment & Discrimination for Non-Supervisors

Provide guidance on how employees can appropriately respond to and report incidents of harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

Diversity and Inclusion

Encourage your workforce to examine key concepts like identity, power, and privilege through real-life scenarios.

Managing Bias

Define bias and prompt learners to use their knowledge to reduce the negative effects of bias.

GDPR & Data Privacy

Teach your employees about the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and its requirements.

Diversity & Inclusion for Leaders

Teach your managers and leaders how to build cultures of belonging for more productive teaams.

Drugs & Alcohol at Work

Resolve and prevent substance abuse issues through education on non-confrontational intervention strategies.

Wage & Hour Training

Educate supervisors on managing employees eligible for overtime and the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Accommodating People with Disabilities

Help supervisors navigate the process of accommodating qualified applicants and employees with disabilities.

Course Preview

Prevent Harassment & Discrimination

This course frames the relevant skills employees need the to confidently take action when they encounter harassment or discrimination.

Encouraging Reporting

Logging an incident report with human resources can be extremely daunting. Two of the primary reasons employees fear reporting are that they fear retaliation and believe that no action would be taken even if they did log a report.

Data Security & Privacy

Employees are one critical entry point for hackers, and the main point of failure in cyber attacks. Skills like secure password management, phishing identification, and proper encryption methods are critical in protecting from the most likely attacks.

"I'm really excited about the platform that we have to help move the dial and influence the discussion around culture."

Shannon Sorrells

Senior Legal Counsel for Ethics, Compliance, and Employment Law

Request a Demo

Get a firsthand look at our effective HR and online compliance training packages with our experts.

  • Compliant with state and local harassment training mandates, including CA, IL, CT, NY, and NYC.
  • Customizable training plans by employee role, location, and level.
  • Built using evidence-based online learning best practices.
  • Designed for online training and mobile use.
  • Dedicated customer success manager focused on your goals.
  • Segmented administration dashboards by employee population.
  • Automated reminders and notifications.
  • Implementation specialist to guide you from contract to launch.

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Fill out the form below for your free demo of our HR and compliance training.

Workplace Training Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is Training Important in the Workplace?

Training is important in the workplace for many reasons, including skill development, employee satisfaction, compliance with legal requirements, workplace safety, and adaptability. Compliance training is an essential aspect of workplace training that helps employees understand their legal obligations, identify potential compliance risks, and make ethical decisions that align with the organization's values. By providing comprehensive training programs, organizations can improve job performance, increase job satisfaction and retention, reduce the risk of legal or financial consequences, promote workplace safety, and foster adaptability to change.

What Is the Purpose of Training?

The purpose of workplace training is to provide employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform their jobs effectively and contribute to the success of the organization. Workplace training serves several important functions, including improving job performance, enhancing employee satisfaction, ensuring compliance with legal requirements through compliance training, promoting workplace safety, and fostering adaptability. Compliance training is an essential aspect of workplace training that helps employees understand their legal obligations, identify potential compliance risks, and make ethical decisions that align with the organization's values. By providing comprehensive training programs that include compliance training, organizations can improve job performance, increase job satisfaction and retention, reduce the risk of legal or financial consequences, promote workplace safety, and foster adaptability to change.

What Is the Difference Between Training and Development?

Workplace training typically refers to the process of teaching employees specific skills or knowledge related to their job duties. This can include training on new equipment, software, or procedures, as well as safety and compliance training. The goal of workplace training is to ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their jobs effectively and safely.

Workplace development, on the other hand, refers to a more holistic approach to employee learning and growth. This can include providing opportunities for employees to develop new skills or knowledge that may not be directly related to their current job duties, but can help them advance their careers within the organization. Development opportunities can include leadership training, mentoring programs, job shadowing, or tuition reimbursement for further education.

While both training and development are important for employee learning and growth, they serve different functions. Training is focused on specific job skills and knowledge, while development is focused on broader career growth and advancement.

What Are the Benefits of Training Employees?

Training employees in the workplace provides many benefits for both employees and organizations. It improves job performance, increases job satisfaction, enhances safety, ensures legal compliance, promotes better adaptation to change, improves customer satisfaction, and leads to cost savings. By investing in employee training, organizations can improve productivity, retain employees, comply with legal requirements, and create a safe and productive work environment.