
EVERFI Content Team

It’s a new year, which can mean new perspectives and possibilities. Despite the unprecedented instability HR leaders experienced in 2021, we hope you’re able to step into the new year feeling refreshed (and relaxed!).

Many of the issues that were top of mind in 2021 will continue to be a focus in 2022. That’s why we’ve rounded up our readers’ favorite, most-visited blog posts in this special #Top10 workplace culture edition.

As you continue to build and maintain a thriving workplace culture where employees feel valued, safe, and included, we’re hoping that you’ll find this content helpful, too.

Top EVERFI Workplace Culture Blog Posts of 2021

  1. 20 Examples of Conflicts of Interest at Work: While your employees may not always recognize conflicts of interest in the workplace, it’s your job to help them identify ethical dilemmas and make the correct decisions. This article offers actionable strategies to help prevent conflicts of interest at work.
  2. Types of Workplace Harassment to Watch Out For:  Even the sharpest of HR professionals can miss the signs of workplace harassment. Read on to test yourself on several types of workplace harassment, along with solutions to help prevent it.
  3. How Minimum Wage Increases Affect All Employees’ Pay: So far, 26 states are set to raise minimum wage in 2022. Does your organization operate in any of them? Learn how wage bumps can affect all employees, plus best practices to help navigate them.
  4. 6 Ways to Prevent Unethical Behavior in the Workplace: A new calendar year can mean new budgets. While unethical behavior may not be top of mind during 2022 planning sessions, there’s a reason it costs employers in the long run. Here are six practical tips to promote ethical behavior at work.
  5. 7 Strategies for Preventing Sexual Harassment at Work: One unfortunate trend that’s emerged from dispersed workforces (and is predicted to continue in 2022)? An uptick in sexual harassment. Read on for seven strategies to help prevent it.

    5 Changes to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Harassment Training

    Elevate your harassment training by using 5 new strategies.

  6. How Sexual Harassment Affects the Workplace: Sexual harassment at work can have a far-reaching impact on an organization, from its bottom line to employee morale. Click through for insights on how to help combat and prevent it.
  7. Inappropriate Humor in the Workplace: “But It Was Just a Joke!”: Off-color work humor is nothing new (or uncommon) — but that doesn’t make it acceptable. This article offers actions you can take to address unsuitable comments at work.
  8. Code of Conduct Examples From 4 Fortune 500 Companies: Evaluating your company’s ethical guidelines in 2022? Why not take a look at what others have done? To give you a jump-start, we’ve compiled real-life examples from companies with great, yet simple codes of conduct.
  9. Why Do Employees Make Unethical Decisions?: As the news headlines seem to remind us every day, unethical behavior seems to be a part of human nature. Our experts offer insight into why your employees may make unethical decisions at work.
  10. LGBTQ+ Workplace Issues: Why the Majority of LGBTQ+ Workers Still Hide Their Identity at Work: More than 53% of LGBTQ workers hide their identity at work. Learn why this identity struggle can have a detrimental impact, plus effective strategies to create a more diverse, inclusive work environment in 2022.

What Does the Future of Work Look Like?

While the pandemic remains a fact of life in 2022, it creates opportunities for HR professionals to continue to redefine and evolve workplace culture. Check out our predictions for the top workplace trends in 2022 and how you can prepare for them.

We look forward to bringing you helpful insights, research and information in the coming year. To make sure you receive our latest tips, sign up for our newsletter using the form on this page.

What Factors Impact Workplace Toxicity?

New research highlights the detrimental impact of toxic workplaces. HR professionals are reporting high rates of toxic behavior, including distrust and resentment.