What are Texas sexual harassment training requirements? 

The state of Texas does not have mandatory sexual harassment training. In 2019, the Texas Legislature introduced a law that would require sexual harassment prevention training. This law didn’t pass and therefore there aren’t training requirements in Texas.

If there aren’t harassment prevention requirements in Texas, why should I train my Texas workforce?

According to a recent EVERFI survey, 71% of companies provide sexual harassment training whether it is required by law or not, and 21% of companies were considering it. Conducting training on a broad basis is the most effective approach to combating sexual harassment.

Which employees should receive workplace sexual harassment training?  

It is a best practice to train your entire employee population within six months of their start date. Providing company-wide training allows you to get critical information about what is expected of employees, in front of those employees and sets the tone for your organization. It also demonstrates that preventing workplace sexual harassment is priority. 

What does the complex sexual harassment training landscape mean for your business? 

Sexual harassment is illegal in all 50 states, and preventing harassment is a business imperative. Even though the Texas bill did not pass, if you have employees in multiple states, you should start preparing to deliver sexual harassment prevention training. If you haven’t offered sexual harassment prevention training in the past, you should consider the most effective and efficient way to do so.

Want to learn more about the mandates across North America? 

The EVERFI team of dedicated in-house attorneys want you to have a clear understanding of which states and provinces require harassment training.  Explore our interactive guide to sexual harassment prevention training requirements.

Required Harassment Training