
Data Science Foundations and Exploration Lab

These three free digital courses introduce students to what data science is and why it matters. Through interactive exercises, students explore foundational data science knowledge, including collecting, visualizing, and understanding data. Data Science Foundations is the 101-course with one extension opportunity in the form of a Financial Wellness simulation.


Free Digital Lessons for​
Students in Grades 9-12

Research-Based Curriculum


Grade Level:

English & Spanish

2 digital courses with a total of 6 lessons, 15-30 mins each

Curriculum Fit:
Economics, Math, Statistics, and College & Career Prep

Common Core Standards in Statistics & Probability, International Standards for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards


Preview the Digital Lessons

Lesson 1
What Is Data Science?

Students will learn about machine learning, data visualization, database management, data collection, various applications, and high demand careers within the field of data science.

Data Science screenshot 1

Lesson 2
Collecting, Cleaning, and Validating Data

Lesson 3
Analyzing and Visualizing Data

Lesson 4
Reporting and Acting on Data

Lesson 5
Data Science in the Banking Industry

Lesson 6
Financial Wellness Simulation


Why Teachers & Students Love These Courses

“This is a quality program with real-life scenarios for students to make deeper connections. I love that it connects to our standards and that there are additional lesson plans to deepen the learning. We have integrated several courses into our newly written curriculum over the past few years.”

High School Teacher


“EVERFI is a key component of our College and Career Readiness course as it gives students a deeper dive into content that will be impacting them for years to come.”

Director of Career and Technical Education


“I liked how all the information about data science was presented in an easy-to-understand format. It helped me realize that I have already used many skills needed for data science in my everyday life.”

High School Student



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Keys To Your Future:

College & Career Readiness


Library of STEM & Career

Readiness Courses