
Pathways: Financing
Higher Education

This free digital course empowers students to become informed consumers and make wise financial decisions when choosing how to finance their higher education. Through interactive real-world scenarios, students learn how to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of higher education options and research how to pay for it.


Free Digital Lessons for​
Students in Grade 9-12


Research-Based Curriculum

Additional Course Resources


Grade Level:

English & Spanish

5 digital lessons, 15 mins each

Curriculum Fit:
Economics, Finance, Business, CTE, Counseling, and Advisory

Jump$tart National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education


Preview the Digital Course

Lesson 1
Return on Investment

Students learn how to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of different higher education options related to the choice of a major or a career path and the true costs of attendance.

Pathway screenshot 1

Lesson 2
Understanding Financial Aid

Lesson 3
Student Loan Basics

Lesson 4
Budgeting for Your Loans

Lesson 5
Repaying Loans Responsibly


Why Teachers & Students Love This Course

“I use Pathways in both semesters to talk about financial aid and to enhance a topic not covered by our textbook. The course is a great tool to talk about how school will be a return on investment.”

High School Teacher

“I like how Pathways goes through different situations and circumstances, not just the ideal path for financing college. It doesn't paint everyone's picture of family life and ability to pay as the same. Paying for college is something that people who have less family support (in one way or another) often struggle a lot with, so I really like how it goes through different options for different situations.”

High School Student


“EVERFI gave me invaluable information on choosing and repaying student loans in a responsible, professional manner; it instilled within me the value of preparation, communication, and informed execution.”

High School Student



Try Pairing This Course With


Keys To Your Future:

College & Career Readiness


Library of Financial

Education Courses