Minding Your Money: Skills for Life
This free digital course teaches students about different financial stages in life, how money and mental wellness are intertwined, and the ways money can affect interpersonal relationships. Through interactive real-world scenarios, this course supports students as they map out their futures, identify the strengths of their financial values, develop resilience, and navigate relationships. A new lesson has been added that explores how to initiate meaningful financial conversations with peers, family, and trusted adults.
Free Digital Lessons for
Students in Grades 9-12
Research-Based Curriculum
Grade Level:
English & Spanish
5 digitsal lessons, 15 min each
Curriculum Fit:
Finance, Economics, CTE, Social Studies, Business, Advisory, and Homeroom
Jump$tart National Standards for Personal Finance Education
Preview the Digital Lessons
Lesson 1
The Financial Stages of Life
Lesson 2
Understanding Your Financial Values
Lesson 3
Money and Mental Health
Lesson 4
Money and Relationships
Lesson 5:
Initiating Financial Conversations
Lesson 1
The Financial Stages of Life
Students explore the different financial needs and responsibilities people face as they go through various stages of education and working life.
Lesson 2
Understanding Your Financial Values
Lesson 3
Money and Mental Health
Lesson 4
Money and Relationships
Lesson 5:
Initiating Financial Conversations
Why Teachers & Students Love This Course
Try Pairing This Course With
Financial Literacy
Mental Wellness
Teaching Financial Literacy FAQ
Less than a third of high school juniors and seniors reported that they felt prepared to compare financial institutions and select one that best meets their needs (32%). Slightly more students -- but still less than half (47%) -- felt they could select, open, and manage a savings or checking account.
Young people also reported low levels of confidence in their ability to establish financial habits that contribute to long-term financial wellbeing: budgeting and managing credit. Half of juniors and seniors said they were “prepared” or “very prepared” to set up and follow a budget, while just a third (32%) felt they could check their credit and maintain good credit over time.
These skills budgeting and managing credit – are essential as young people move toward financial independence. The decisions they make in the next one to two years begin to carry consequences that can last much longer, directly impacting their lifetime financial wellbeing.
Yes, given the critical role of skill and confidence in building financial wellbeing, the low levels of preparedness among young people could be a sign of trouble as students finish high school and move toward financial independence.
Students learn the fundamentals of money management in financial literacy classes, including budgeting, saving, paying off debt, investing, and more. This information offers the groundwork for kids to establish sound financial practices at a young age and steer clear of many mistakes that result in ongoing financial difficulties.