
Economic Concepts

This free digital course sponsored by the MassMutual Foundation program empowers students to analyze the economy and identify factors that impact the price of consumer goods. Through a story-based narrative and interactive exercises, students learn to make real-life decisions that require the understanding of key economic concepts.


Free Digital Lessons for​
Students in Grades 6-8


Research-Based Curriculum

Additional Course Resources


Grade Level:

English & Spanish

3 digital lessons, 10 mins each

Curriculum Fit:
Economics, Business or Social Studies, and Career Readiness

Jump$tart Coalition’s National Standards for K-12 Personal Finance Education, National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies, State Academic Standards


Preview the Digital Lessons

Lesson 1
Your Role in the Economy

Students explore the role of consumers in the economy, name factors that lead to a good job market, and discover how a market economy works.

SmartEconomics course screenshot 1

Lesson 2
Government and the Economy

Lesson 3
Buying and Selling


Why Teachers & Students Love This Course

“We include EVERFI in our economics course because of its relevant and authentic application to students’ lives. Students grow as a result of this program in extremely positive ways – both in their understandings of financial literacy and their interest in the subject matter”

Social Studies Curriculum Director & Advance Placement Coordinator


“I liked how this course was interesting, and it gave you real-life events like Tina's cupcakes, the birthday, and the grocery store. This made the course fun to learn. I also liked that this course was interactive, we got to play a game and flip flashcards.”

Middle School Student

New Hampshire

“What I liked best about this course is learning about imported goods and why they cost so much money to import. I liked learning about inflation a lot too since it is currently very high right now in our country as well.”

Middle School Student

New York


Try Pairing This Course With



Financial Literacy

Financial literacy icon

Library of Financial

Education Courses

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