Economic Concepts
This free digital course sponsored by the MassMutual Foundation program empowers students to analyze the economy and identify factors that impact the price of consumer goods. Through a story-based narrative and interactive exercises, students learn to make real-life decisions that require the understanding of key economic concepts.
Free Digital Lessons for
Students in Grades 6-8
Research-Based Curriculum
Grade Level:
English & Spanish
3 digital lessons, 10 mins each
Curriculum Fit:
Economics, Business or Social Studies, and Career Readiness
Jump$tart Coalition’s National Standards for K-12 Personal Finance Education, National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies, State Academic Standards
Preview the Digital Lessons
Lesson 1
Your Role in the Economy
Students explore the role of consumers in the economy, name factors that lead to a good job market, and discover how a market economy works.
Lesson 2
Government and the Economy
Lesson 3
Buying and Selling
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Financial Literacy
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Education Courses