
Amanda Hutchinson

Teaching high school students about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is crucial for helping them navigate the college financial aid process. Here are three effective strategies for teaching FAFSA to high school students:

Early Introduction and Familiarization

 Start introducing students to the concept of FAFSA well before they reach their senior year of high school. Early exposure can alleviate anxiety and ensure that students are well-prepared when the time comes to apply. Consider incorporating FAFSA discussions into freshman or sophomore year career and college planning classes.

  1. Interactive Workshops: Host interactive FAFSA workshops during parent-teacher conferences or dedicated events. These workshops can provide parents and students with hands-on experience in filling out the FAFSA, answering common questions, and explaining key concepts like Expected Family Contribution (EFC). 
  2. Online Simulations: Use online FAFSA simulators or tools that replicate the FAFSA application process. This allows students to practice without any pressure and become familiar with the questions and documents they’ll need.

Personalized Guidance

Recognize that FAFSA can be complex, and students may have individual circumstances that require special attention. Providing personalized guidance is essential to ensure students get the financial support they need.

  1. One-on-One Counseling: Offer one-on-one sessions with school counselors or college advisors to address specific student concerns. These sessions can help students navigate unique family financial situations and answer personalized questions.
  2. Parent Involvement: Encourage parents or guardians to actively participate in the FAFSA process. Host informational sessions where parents can learn about their role in the application, the importance of their financial information, and deadlines.
  3. Financial Literacy Workshops: Host financial literacy workshops that cover broader financial planning topics in addition to FAFSA. Understanding the long-term implications of student loans, grants, and scholarships can motivate students to engage in the process.

Utilize Technology and Resources

Leverage technology and available resources to make FAFSA education more engaging and accessible to high school students. 

  1. Online Resources: Direct students to reliable online resources such as official FAFSA websites, YouTube tutorials, and financial aid calculators. These resources can help students find answers to common questions independently.
  2. Mobile Apps: Explore mobile apps that simplify the FAFSA process. Some apps offer step-by-step guidance and deadline reminders, making it easier for students to stay on track.
  3. Peer-to-Peer Learning: Encourage students who have successfully navigated the FAFSA process to share their experiences with their peers. This can demystify the process and motivate others to take action.

By implementing these strategies, high school educators can ensure that their students are well-prepared to complete the FAFSA application, access the financial aid they need, and pursue higher education without undue financial burden. 


Amanda Hutchison is a Business and Marketing Teacher at Boyle County High School in Central Kentucky. She spent 11 years in executive leadership before her career in education, so she understands the importance of experiential-based learning that uses technology. As an Education Doctoral candidate at Murray State University, Amanda is focused on research that engages students, improves student behaviors, and impacts teacher retention.