EVERFI Research Center | Supports positive learning outcomes

See how and why EVERFI supports positive learning outcomes for all students.

<strong>Impact of Futuresmart Online Financial Education Course on Financial Knowledge of Middle School     Students</strong><br><br> <span class="slider-date">March </span>2021<br> <p>The increasing role of schools in promoting financial literacy underscores the need to investigate the effectiveness     of school-based financial education programs. This study examined FutureSmart—a free, co-curricular, online     financial education course—using a quasi-experimental design with a diverse sample of middle school students     nationwide. The fundamental implication of this research is that FutureSmart effectively conveys financial knowledge     to middle school students, contributing to a foundation for their future financial well-being.</p><br><a href="https://res.cloudinary.com/everfi/images/v1648656938/ImpactofFutureSmart-JJohnsonetal/ImpactofFutureSmart-JJohnsonetal.pdf?_i=AA" target="_blank" class="uabb-button ast-button uabb-creative-button uabb-creative-default-btn res-btn" role="link" aria-label="Read the Research" rel="noopener"> <span class="uabb-button-text uabb-creative-button-text">Read the Research</span></a>

EVERFI Approach

Develop with Experts

We work with external and in-house subject-matter experts to build learning experiences that deliver quality content to address the missing learning layer.

Driven by Data

We use pre- and post-learning assessments and surveys to drive insights into how our content influences learner knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.

Actively Evaluate Effectiveness

We develop research-based products and services and work continuously to verify their efficacy across educational settings to support deep and sustained learning.

Iterate and Improve

We use course data, learner surveys, and feedback from teachers to guide iterative improvements to our content and learning platform.

Efficacy and Outcomes Research


Early Literacy Game-Based Learning Course Evaluation

February 2025

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ESSA Tier 3

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Large Sample

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Moderate Effect

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An Efficacy Study of the Financial Fitness High School Program

October 2024

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ESSA Tier 3

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Large Sample

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Moderate Effect

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Continuing Effects of Taking Multiple Financial Education Courses (Year 3)

October 2024

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Random Assignment

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Small Effect

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Enhancing Social and Emotional Competencies in Rural Middle School Students

September 2024

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Random Assignment

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Large Effect

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Continuing Effects of Taking Multiple Financial Education Courses (Year 2)

October 2023

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Random Assignment

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Small-Moderate Effect

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Vaping—Know the Truth: Evaluation of an Online Vaping Prevention Curriculum

August 2023

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Large Sample

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Large Effect


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<strong>The Positive Impact of Digital
Mental Wellness Education</strong><br><br> <span class="slider-date">July 2023</span><br> <p>Understanding Mental Wellness is a course designed to
introduce all students to mental health topics and coping
strategies. It teaches them when and how to seek help for
themselves and others. Past research has shown that increasing
mental health literacy has been linked to improved awareness
of resources, decreased stigma, and increased intent to seek
help. Given this, and the gender gap in mental wellness, this
current research brief investigated changes to student helpseeking
intentions and skill confidence by student-reported
gender, to better understand the potential impact the course
may be having during these formative years in students’ lives.</p><br><a href="https://res.cloudinary.com/everfi/images/v1690562136/Understanding-Mental-Wellness-Impact-one-pager/Understanding-Mental-Wellness-Impact-one-pager.pdf?_i=AA" target="_blank" class="uabb-button ast-button uabb-creative-button uabb-creative-default-btn  res-btn" role="link" aria-label="Read the Research" rel="noopener"> <span class="uabb-button-text uabb-creative-button-text">Read the Research</span></a>

The Positive Impact of Digital Mental Wellness Education

July 2023

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Large Sample

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Diverse Population

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Moderate Effect

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<strong>Preventing Adolescent Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse </strong><br><br> <span class="slider-date">February 2023</span><br> <p><a href="https://everfi.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">EVERFI</a> released the findings from a new study evaluating the efficacy of its high school <a href="https://everfi.com/courses/k-12/prescription-drug-safety-high-school/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Prescription Drug Safety curriculum</a>. The digital curriculum showed a positive and lasting impact on knowledge, behavioral intent and attitudes as they relate to prescription drug use. The study affirms signs of continued impact on students more than 30 days following course completion and can be found in the online and print versions of the peer-reviewed journal <a href="https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10566-023-09734-z" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Child and Youth Care Forum.</a> </p><br> <a href="https://res.cloudinary.com/everfi/images/v1681508110/s10566-023-09734-z/s10566-023-09734-z.pdf?_i=AA" target="_blank" class="uabb-button ast-button uabb-creative-button uabb-creative-default-btn res-btn" role="link" aria-label="Read the Research" rel="noopener"> <span class="uabb-button-text uabb-creative-button-text">Read the Research</span></a>

Preventing Adolescent Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse

February 2023

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ESSA Tier 2

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Large Sample

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Small Effect

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WORD force course screenshot

WORD Force: Promising evidence of impact on early literacy skills (Year 1)

December 2022

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Small-Moderate Effect

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<strong>Longitudinal Study of Financial Capability among Adolescents</strong> <br><br> <span class="slider-date">December     2022</span><br> <p>During the 2021-2022 school year, the MassMutual Foundation and EVERFI launched data collection for a longitudinal     study in order to examine the impact of a suite of digital learning courses on adolescent financial capability. In     the first year of this unprecedented study, researchers found unique and additive impacts of the FutureSmart and     EVERFI courses on the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of young learners compared to a control group. </p><br><a href="https://res.cloudinary.com/everfi/images/v1670519580/massmutual-year-one-research-report/massmutual-year-one-research-report.pdf?_i=AA" target="_blank" class="uabb-button ast-button uabb-creative-button uabb-creative-default-btn res-btn" role="link" aria-label="Read the Research" rel="noopener"> <span class="uabb-button-text uabb-creative-button-text">Read the Research</span></a>

Unique and Combined Effects of Taking Multiple Financial Education Courses (Year 1)

December 2022

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Random Assignment

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Small-Moderate Effect

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When communities need strengthening laptop mockup

Effective Adolescent Anti-Bullying Program

October 2022

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ESSA Tier 3

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Large sample

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Diverse sample

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screen time vs offline time ignition course screenshot

Addressing the Digital Wellness and Safety of 8th Graders

July 2022

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ESSA Tier 3

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Large Sample

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Diverse Population

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<strong>Impact of Futuresmart Online Financial Education Course on Financial Knowledge of Middle School     Students</strong><br><br> <span class="slider-date">March </span>2021<br> <p>The increasing role of schools in promoting financial literacy underscores the need to investigate the effectiveness     of school-based financial education programs. This study examined FutureSmart—a free, co-curricular, online     financial education course—using a quasi-experimental design with a diverse sample of middle school students     nationwide. The fundamental implication of this research is that FutureSmart effectively conveys financial knowledge     to middle school students, contributing to a foundation for their future financial well-being.</p><br><a href="https://res.cloudinary.com/everfi/images/v1648656938/ImpactofFutureSmart-JJohnsonetal/ImpactofFutureSmart-JJohnsonetal.pdf?_i=AA" target="_blank" class="uabb-button ast-button uabb-creative-button uabb-creative-default-btn res-btn" role="link" aria-label="Read the Research" rel="noopener"> <span class="uabb-button-text uabb-creative-button-text">Read the Research</span></a>

FutureSmart Middle School Program Increases Financial Literacy

March 2021

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ESSA Tier 2

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Large Effect

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The "Why" Behind EVERFI Efficacy

digital promise badge award

EVERFI’s extensive K-12 content and interactive learning experiences readily fulfill the rigorous criteria set forth by ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) federal requirements for Tier 4 evidence of efficacy.1 Our product is forged upon research-backed theory of action statements and a well-defined logic model. Logic models are visual representations of an education product’s key features that are informed by research and indicate how the product is likely to improve relevant outcomes. EVERFI partnered with Empirical Education to document the learning science and research behind the design of our product, and earned the Research-Based Learning Product Design Certification from Digital Promise.


  1. To provide K-12 educators and students with free digital content on topics not sufficiently addressed by curriculums. *
  2. To create interactive and accessible content aligned to standards that is grounded in real-world contexts, and easily integrated into instruction to support learner critical-life skill development. **

Initial product development, and subsequent iteration, are driven by these resources. They provide a clear rationale for why our content and design decisions are expected to positively impact students beyond just learning. Our work does not stop there. The EVERFI research team includes Ph.D. trained researchers dedicated to continuously evaluating the impact and efficacy of our products both internally and through partnerships with independent research organizations. We leverage qualitative and quantitative data to assess implementation and impact to inform product development and improvements. For the educators that use EVERFI courses and the organizations that support them, the logic model summarizes why they are effective, what the indicators of success look like, and what improvements can be made moving forward to enhance effectiveness.

EVERFI is committed to current and future rigorous impact and efficacy evaluations of our products beyond the logic model to ensure we continue to provide content and learning experiences that deliver meaningful impact.

1US Department of Education. (2016). Non-regulatory guidance: Using evidence to strengthen education investments. Retrieved from https://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/essa/guidanceuseseinvestment.pdf

*EVERFI offers digital content covering the following topic areas:  Financial Education, Career Readiness, Health & Wellness, Social Emotional Learning, Cultural Literacy, Digital Literacy & Wellness, STEM, Academic Readiness, Sustainability Education

**Critical life skills include: self-efficacy, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, effective communication, reflection, goal-setting, information-seeking, help-seeking, perspective-taking

Learn More

If you would like to read more thoughts on leadership or insights.

Archived Research

  • Effects of AlcoholEdu for College on Alcohol-Related Problems Among Freshmen: A Randomized Multicampus Trial. Read Now
  • Population-Level Administration of AlcoholEdu for College: An ARIMA Time-Series Analysis. Read Now
  • Exploring the Potential Campus-Level Impact of Online Universal Sexual Assault Prevention Education. Read Now
  • Evaluating a Health Education Web Site: The Case of AlcoholEdu. Read Now
  • Web-Based Alcohol Prevention for Incoming College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Read Now
  • Reductions in Drinking and Alcohol-Related Harms Reported by First-Year College Students Taking an Online Alcohol Education Course: A Randomized Trial. Read Now

Reach Out to Learn More

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