Ontario’s mandates: Occupational Health And Safety Act, s. 23 – 32.0.8 (OHSA) and Ontario’s Human Rights Code s. 5 and s. 10
What are Ontario’s workplace/sexual harassment training requirements?
Ontario requires that all employers provide appropriate training and instruction to all workers (including new employees) on workplace harassment, including sexual harassment. Ontario provincial authorities recommend that employers periodically deliver training and re-training as needed, such as annually, after an incident or change in policy, or when an employee is hired, promoted, or changes roles.
What should sexual harassment training in Ontario cover?
This law requires that the employer provide appropriate information and instruction to workers on workplace violence, harassment, and sexual harassment policies and programs. Specifically, the workplace/sexual harassment training should cover how to report an incident, including if the supervisor is the alleged harasser. Additionally, the training should provide information as to how the report of sexual harassment will remain confidential (except when disclosure is necessary as part of the investigation or otherwise legally required) and any corrective actions that resulted from that investigation. Provincial authorities also recommend general human rights training on the laws against discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment; personal and organizational responsibilities; examples of prohibited conduct; and employer policies and procedures on human rights in the workplace, anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, and anti-sexual harassment.
Who does this apply to?
Ontario’s OSHA applies to any organization that employs one or more workers or contracts for those services, including subcontractors. The law also requires organizations to train students who provide services under school-approved work experience or similar programs..
What does this mean for you?
Considering the expansive nature of the law, your business will likely need to take a number of steps to meet the requirements. As a first step, schedule and deliver workplace/sexual harassment training to your existing workforce and make a plan to train all new hires.
Want to learn more about the mandates across North America?
The EVERFI team of dedicated in-house attorneys wants you to have a clear understanding of which states and provinces require harassment training. Explore our interactive guide to sexual harassment prevention training requirements.