Measuring the Impact of Prevention Education

300,000+ Students | 3,020+ Middle & High Schools | 81 Colleges & Universities
3,500 Teachers | 31+ Network Partners

I liked how the course explained both the positives of taking prescription drugs properly and explained the negatives of misusing them.” – Student, Winston-Salem, NC

Our Impact

Impact Report

Download the K-12 Impact Report for 2018-2019 Here

Data collected from more than 150,000 students who completed the Prescription Drug Safety curriculum in the 2018-19 academic year shows that the course positively impacted students’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding prescription drug safety.  Highlights include:

  • On average, students across 6 topics earned a 48% knowledge increase from pre- to post-lesson assessments.
  • 52% more students said it was their responsibility to prevent misuse and abuse at their schools (from 31% pre-course to 47% post-course)
  • More than 70% of students reported that the course made them more confident in their ability to recognize and intervene when a friend may be misusing prescription drugs.

Download the Impact Report Here

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