EVERFI Workplace Insights

See your company culture through the eyes of your workforce

Businesses that are able to take advantage of employee data to improve their company culture benefit from low turnover, high productivity, and the ability to recruit and retain top talent.

Climate surveys identify a portion of the challenges, but what if you could understand the strengths of your company culture and your employees’ willingness to play an active role in supporting it?

  • Are your employees prepared to step in if they see bullying or disrespectful behavior?

  • Do your employees know the process for reporting discrimination and harassment when they see it?

  • Can your employees openly express ideas, opinions, and beliefs in team settings?

  • Would your employees intervene if they witnessed harassment or abusive conduct?

Take Action with Your Data

You can't afford to run your training programs blind by ignoring the data.


Drive Organizational Change

Help leadership visualize organizational strengths and easily demonstrate the ROI of your training investment. EVERFI Workplace Insights empowers training administrators to hone in on the perceptions, behaviors, and experiences of employees to help reveal a roadmap for next steps post-training.

  • Measure organizational attitudes and cultures

    Identify shifts over time to determine if company training efforts are on the right track.

  • Demonstrate results and ROI

    Use data to outline results for leadership and stakeholders, including future training needs and areas requiring intervention.

  • Establish credibility

    Provide insights to your team to increase operational training efficiency across the organization.

With EVERFI Workplace Insights, gain a better understanding of your company through the eyes of employees. Pre- and post-learning surveys are embedded within each course to capture real-time data and help you understand the efficacy of your training.

  • Response & Demographic Data

    Easy-to-use dashboard provides aggregated, anonymized responses to understand how employees think and feel about your company culture

  • Test Learners Progress

    Collect data about the knowledge and perceptions of your workforce before and after and they complete a training course through embedded surveys.

  • Benchmarking Data

    Demonstrate the ROI of your training investment and easily create benchmark reports to share with your stakeholders and leadership.

Want to learn how you can use employee training data to better target your efforts ?

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