safety on social media

5 Ways to Stay Safe on Social Media

Today, more than 79% of the US population is active on social networks, but many of those people have no idea how to stay safe on social media Users openly...

Destigmatizing Addiction & Mental Illness

Takeaways from the 2019 Prescription Drug Safety Network Summit, which repeatedly underscored the importance of properly monitoring and disposing prescription drugs within households and communities. Closely monitoring prescription drug supply is paramount in safeguarding against both intentional and unintentional overdoses.

Three Reasons Why Health Systems Are Embracing Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention

Leveraging Evidence-Based Strategies For Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention

Access, visibility, and promotion of prescription medications in the United States have contributed to one of our nation's most critical public health challenges: the misuse and abuse of prescriptions drugs. Educating our youth is more important than ever in order to combat the risks and harms associated with prescription drug misuse and abuse. Learn more about how to leverage evidence-based strategies for prescription drug abuse prevention.

5 Cross-Curricular Health Projects

When given the responsibility to focus on building meaningful health projects for the good of our students’ futures, we can help ourselves create more time, by meeting several curriculum standards across subject areas-- magic!